Well, I talked about the roller coaster this process can be, we have been experiencing just that this past week. I wont go into all the details, but the short version is that the original agency we were working with, that said we would be matched with H later retracted those words and became very hard to work with. After doing some praying and talking, we decided that it would be best to find a new adoption agency. The day that we decided that we were going to change agencies, we got an email letting us know that H was no longer available through the original agency, he is now on a shared list (open to all agencies) and his category level had changed, we would now have to have our home study completed. We called and spoke with the agency that we were originally wanting to work with and they did a little researching for us. They were told that H was put on the wrong list originally, which is the list that enabled us to see his file and request his information. China has now moved his file to the shared list and he is suppose to keep his current status on there for 3 months. The new agency explained our situation to them and they let the agency know that they are going to count his 2 months that he was on the wrong list, so he has to be on this list until July 5, IF he is not matched with a family that is further along in this process than we are, then we can request to be matched with him. (Yes that is the short version)
Had he not been on the first list we would of never seen him and now he is on a shared list so the new agency can ask for his file when we are ready. We feel this is Gods will and He is in control. We will follow wherever he leads us and prepare our family in the case that another family is matched with H, but we do hope and pray that he will become our son. If it is meant to be it will be, if not, we feel like God has used him to lead us to adopt from China.
Please continue to pray for us, we appreciate all the thoughts and prayers!
Also remember our puzzle piece fundraiser.
We are on a very similar journey. I can totally relate to what you're going through.