Friday, November 2, 2012

Looks like we will be waiting even longer :(

Earlier this week I was very excited to get an email from our adoption agency asking us to call them so we can discuss the next step, once the homestudy FINALLY gets done. I was thrilled to know it was about time to move on and that I would finally have something to do! Then....I was hit with a low blow :(  

I called and spoke with our agency and she answered all my questions and we were discussing the Dossier (one of the if not THE most important document) and then I asked for any update on our timeline. Last we talked I was told 4-6 months after the homestudy was completed. I know the homestudy took longer than expected, but figured we would still have 4-6 months, so April-June? Nope! She said we will have ATLEAST another 9 months after our homestudy is completed. I was shocked! I questioned it and found out she told us the wrong amount of time last time we discussed this. So...I had a pretty upsetting evening. Tried to hold back the tears, but I couldnt. Thank goodness I have a sweet and loving 5 year old who knew mommy needed some TLC. She helped me get through the evening.

Today I spoke to the supervisor at our adoption agency and yes, the 9 month plus wait is correct. She will do what she can to help us along the way cut time, but I dont think there is anyway possible she will cut 3-4 months off our wait.

I just want our little man home! I want him to get to the doctors, get the treatment he needs. Get to know his mama and dada and loving big sisters and brother. I want to hug and kiss on him. Read him books and play with him. I wanted the whooooole summer for all of this. Now...we will be lucky if he is home before next school year starts.

That just means that our son must sit and wait weeks, even months more than we expected, in a large orphanage. I know it probably isnt a big deal to him, that is all he knows. But, man, it would be so good for him to be with his family, getting the love he deserves.

I know it is not in our control at all when our son will be home. The Lord has led us to him and is in control of this journey and that is the hardest part for me. I am having a horribly hard time making myself see that. I know it, I just dont want to acknowledge it.

Please pray for our son. Pray that he is being taken care of and his little heart is preparing for this family to love him! Pray for his health as the winter will be hitting China soon. Pray for us, as we continue to wait until we can go get him and bring him home. Pray for us as we continue to raise funds, apply for grants and look into loans. Pray for all the other children, those who do not have mamas and dadas waiting for them, those who will live in the orphanage their entire childhood.

November is orphan awareness month, lets pray for the millions of orphans around the world. I know I cant make a huge difference in the millions of orphans but I can make huge impact in one special, sweet, cute little guys life!

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