Monday, June 24, 2013

A big sisters hope

Averie has such a love for her little brother already! The first day that I showed her Hudson's photo and tried to explain the we were adopting him, her first reaction was "daddy call the airplane, lets go get him!" Love her heart! She talks about him to everyone, prays about him, and just can not wait until he is home. Every time Averie finds money or has money, she gives it to us and tells us "this is for Hudson". She knows that the adoption process is very costly and wants to do what she can to help us get him home. She has been begging to have lemonade stands to help raise money and I have promised that she will soon! 

We are going to China in August to get Hudson! Averie wants to come with us. She knows that he will be scared and understands that it may be easier for him to have another child around in addition to the two scary adults who are going to take him from the only place he has known as home. She has told me that she knows that he may not be able to talk to her (because of language barriers), but they can play! She has decided to start her own fundraiser to help pay for her trip to China. The profits from the lemonade stand that she will have at our upcoming rummage sales will go towards her travel but she wants to do more! See her video for details:

She is selling puzzle pieces for $10 each. We will write your name, a Bible verse or a short message on the piece. Once the puzzle is completely sold Averie will put it together and we will frame it and hang it in Hudson's room. If you can't sponsor a puzzle piece but still want to help her reach her goal, you can make a donation by clicking on the Paypal link on the top right side of this blog or you can send a check or money order to: 

First Federal Savings & Loan
Attn: Paul Family Adoption
800 Charleston Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
please write in the memo that this is for Averie's travel. 

Thank you so much!

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