We are so thankful that so far this whole time we have continued to have what has been needed financially. We are blessed with generous friends and family who have donated, we have cut back on many extras we felt our family no longer needed, Brock is working extra and tutoring, and we have held a few fundraising events. But, our savings account is slowly fading, we don't have enough to cover any more fees or expenses at this time. We estimate that we still need $25,000-30,000 to complete the adoption. We need the money there when it needs to be sent out. While we really do hate asking for financial help, we truly need it. Every bit of what gets donated is going to our adoption. We have a separate savings account just for the adoption money. We contribute everything we can, but alone, it is not enough. Yes we have the finances to raise two more children, but we do not have the amount needed to complete an adoption, readily available. So, we have a new fundraiser and hope you will be able to donate and/ or share.
As the numbers get "sponsored" I will update the picture with the numbers crossed out.
Once the chart is completely crossed out, we will randomly choose a winner of a $100 gift card! Winner can choose from Wal Mart, iTunes, or Amazon.
The number you choose is the amount of times your name will be entered into the drawing. Ex. donate $50-get 50 entries.
If you are in our Facebook group, you will find this same chart, please share this fundraiser on your FB page. Every bit helps! You can also share the web address to our blog so others can read about our journey!
Please continue to pray over our adoption. Pray that the finances will be there when they are needed. Pray the boys remain doing well and have no major medical issues arise before we are home. Pray for our guidance and ability to listen and obey. The Lord brought us these children and we know He will get them home. We need to continue listening to Him and following His plan.
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