I am just days away from getting on a plane and flying to China! The country where 3 of our sons were born. I am so excited, nervous and scared. I am excited to meet our two new sons and to once again be in China and to get to explore the providence they are from. I am nervous about meeting them and how they will react to me, also I am nervous to leave Brock and the 4 kiddos at home. :( It is hard to be away from my family this long, it was a hard trip to get Hudson. I do expect this trip to be a little better since I will have Alicia with me, but it will still be tough. I am scared because we still do not have all the finances needed to be able to leave Friday.
We were blessed with a matching grant this weekend. This means for every dollar you donate to us, they will match it. (You give $50, they give us $50!). They will match up to $1565. We are currently around $15,000 short. I know this sounds like a huge number, but we know this can happen, we know we have to get Rowen and Rylen home and we will do whatever we can to get to them with no delay.
Do you want to become a part of their story? Be our village who helps get these boys home? Our biggest needs are financial donations and prayer. If you can please do these, we would be so grateful. I just want to be able to get on that plane, on time, this Friday, knowing I have all the money I need for the adoption, and go meet my sons!
If you can, please make a donation through our PayPal link. We would also be ok with you would like to share our story, our need and our PayPal link. Also, please pray for us and the boys. This will be such a wonderful amazing and tough trip. While we have had 10 months to stare at their photos, watch their seconds long videos over and over and to talk about and prepare for them, they just saw our photos a few weeks ago for the first time, they don't understand what is about to take place. They will be leaving the only life they know...their orphanage, their nannies, foster family, friends, culture, smells, foods, and so much more. This will be scary for them, they will be confused and I am sure sad at times. Please pray for them.
Again, if you can help financially, if you live locally you could drop it off to us or if you dont or cant, please donate to our PayPal...paypal.me/PaulAdoption
Thank you!
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
We're going to China!!
We are going to China! Mama is coming boys!
We are so happy to say that we got travel approval last Friday (10/28) and we got our official travel dates today! (11/1). Alicia and I will be boarding a plane on Friday November 11th and head to Nanjing, China for Rowen and Rylen! We will get there on a Sunday and will go get the boys Monday! They will stay with us from that day on! We will be in Nanjing until that Friday and then head to Guangzhou, where the US Embassyis. We leave China on 11/24 (Thanksgiving) and bring the boys home! Two more reasons to be Thankful this year!
I will do my best to post from China, sometimes the internet is not the best. If you are not a part of our FaceBook page, feel free to join us, it is under Paul Family Adoption. I hope to be able to update both of these sites, but am not sure if I will have access to either. If not, hopefully Brock can at least update the FB page!
We are so excited to be to this point now! There is so much to do and get ready, I feel like I am running in circles but getting nowhere. My mind can not get away from the fact that we are not fully funded. We are still in need of about $16,000 to complete our adoption. We can not leave until we have the funds needed, in hand. Brock and I have complete faith that there will not be an issue, God will provide, but it is still hard to not constantly think about this.
If you would like to make a donation and help get the boys home, there will be several ways to do so at the end of this post.
Prayer requests:
*Finances to fall in place with no delay
*Safe travel for each flight and while in country
*For the boys health
*For the boys emotions...while the day we get the boys is an exciting day for us, we have to keep in mind, they are losing all they know. While this is what is best for them, it will be hard for them.
*For our health, one of my fears is being sick in China. Most days are filled with appointments and I have to be at every one of them. So being sick would not be fun while running around each day.
*For the children we will see, waiting and yearning for a family to love them. There are so many, way too many children that will never know the love of a family. Pray for them.
If you would like to make a donation, here are the ways you can do so:
1. Use our PayPal link: https://www.paypal.me/PaulAdoption
2. Send or drop off a donation to our bank at:
First Federal Savings & Loan
800 West Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
ATTN: Paul Family Adoption Savings Account
3. Tax deductible option
Mail or drop off a donation through our church. **Please note if you do this option, we ask you to email us or our Pastor so they will know to keep an eye out for the donation. If they do not know, we might not receive it. Also be sure to write the check to Salisbury Church and Adoption fund in the memo line. ADOPTION FUND on the envelope and in the memo line if using a check.
Mail it to:
11 Noyes Court
Mattoon, IL 61938
Our email: bp042900@consolidated.net
Scotts email: ssims@salisburyonline.org
We are so happy to say that we got travel approval last Friday (10/28) and we got our official travel dates today! (11/1). Alicia and I will be boarding a plane on Friday November 11th and head to Nanjing, China for Rowen and Rylen! We will get there on a Sunday and will go get the boys Monday! They will stay with us from that day on! We will be in Nanjing until that Friday and then head to Guangzhou, where the US Embassyis. We leave China on 11/24 (Thanksgiving) and bring the boys home! Two more reasons to be Thankful this year!
I will do my best to post from China, sometimes the internet is not the best. If you are not a part of our FaceBook page, feel free to join us, it is under Paul Family Adoption. I hope to be able to update both of these sites, but am not sure if I will have access to either. If not, hopefully Brock can at least update the FB page!
We are so excited to be to this point now! There is so much to do and get ready, I feel like I am running in circles but getting nowhere. My mind can not get away from the fact that we are not fully funded. We are still in need of about $16,000 to complete our adoption. We can not leave until we have the funds needed, in hand. Brock and I have complete faith that there will not be an issue, God will provide, but it is still hard to not constantly think about this.
If you would like to make a donation and help get the boys home, there will be several ways to do so at the end of this post.
Prayer requests:
*Finances to fall in place with no delay
*Safe travel for each flight and while in country
*For the boys health
*For the boys emotions...while the day we get the boys is an exciting day for us, we have to keep in mind, they are losing all they know. While this is what is best for them, it will be hard for them.
*For our health, one of my fears is being sick in China. Most days are filled with appointments and I have to be at every one of them. So being sick would not be fun while running around each day.
*For the children we will see, waiting and yearning for a family to love them. There are so many, way too many children that will never know the love of a family. Pray for them.
If you would like to make a donation, here are the ways you can do so:
1. Use our PayPal link: https://www.paypal.me/PaulAdoption
2. Send or drop off a donation to our bank at:
First Federal Savings & Loan
800 West Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
ATTN: Paul Family Adoption Savings Account
3. Tax deductible option
Mail or drop off a donation through our church. **Please note if you do this option, we ask you to email us or our Pastor so they will know to keep an eye out for the donation. If they do not know, we might not receive it. Also be sure to write the check to Salisbury Church and Adoption fund in the memo line. ADOPTION FUND on the envelope and in the memo line if using a check.
Mail it to:
11 Noyes Court
Mattoon, IL 61938
Our email: bp042900@consolidated.net
Scotts email: ssims@salisburyonline.org
I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you. John 14:18
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Sooooo close!
These last few steps are just FLYING by! I am so excited to say that we are scheduled to have our Article 5 picked up tomorrow! They have expedited this step! This is the last step before travel approval and then we are off to bring Rowen and Rylen home! We are so very excited that we are so close!
We are amazed at all the mountains the Lord has moved to make this adoption possible. Believe me, it has not gone on with no bumps...there have been times we thought this wouldnt be possible, times we questioned Gods calling, and just felt lost. But, as He always does, He would build us back up and point us in the right direction. Now, here we are, still needing some major funds, praying for the Lord to work a miracle. As I have said many times, I dont want the lack of funds to stand in the way of travel. If we don't have every dollar we need, we can not travel. We are not planning anything extra for this trip and are really hoping to keep prices as low as possible, flights will likely be less than estimated. But, some of the fees are set fees and will not change (orphanage donation, host fees, etc).
Do you want to be a part in making this miracle happen? We would love you to covet us in your prayers. Please pray that the Lord continues to provide for this adoption. Pray He continues to wrap the boys in His loving arms, protect them and prepare them for these major changes in their lives. Please pray for Alicia and I to be safe for our travel. Pray for Brock and the children who will be home anxiously waiting for us to come back.
If you want to help out financially, please use one of the following option. We would be so greatful and you can be a part of this miracle and bringing home Rowen and Rylen!!
Our email: bp042900@consolidated.net
Scotts email: ssims@salisburyonline.org
We are amazed at all the mountains the Lord has moved to make this adoption possible. Believe me, it has not gone on with no bumps...there have been times we thought this wouldnt be possible, times we questioned Gods calling, and just felt lost. But, as He always does, He would build us back up and point us in the right direction. Now, here we are, still needing some major funds, praying for the Lord to work a miracle. As I have said many times, I dont want the lack of funds to stand in the way of travel. If we don't have every dollar we need, we can not travel. We are not planning anything extra for this trip and are really hoping to keep prices as low as possible, flights will likely be less than estimated. But, some of the fees are set fees and will not change (orphanage donation, host fees, etc).
Do you want to be a part in making this miracle happen? We would love you to covet us in your prayers. Please pray that the Lord continues to provide for this adoption. Pray He continues to wrap the boys in His loving arms, protect them and prepare them for these major changes in their lives. Please pray for Alicia and I to be safe for our travel. Pray for Brock and the children who will be home anxiously waiting for us to come back.
If you want to help out financially, please use one of the following option. We would be so greatful and you can be a part of this miracle and bringing home Rowen and Rylen!!
1. Use our PayPal link: https://www.paypal.me/PaulAdoption
2. Send or drop off a donation to our bank at:
First Federal Savings & Loan
800 West Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
ATTN: Paul Family Adoption Savings Account
First Federal Savings & Loan
800 West Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
ATTN: Paul Family Adoption Savings Account
3. Tax deductible option, mail or drop off a donation to our church. **Please note if you do this option, we ask you to email us our our preacher to let them know to keep an eye out for the donation. If they do not know, we might not receive it. Also be sure to write ADOPTION FUND on the envelope and in the memo line if a check.
Church address:
Salisbury Church
2250 Madison Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
Our email: bp042900@consolidated.net
Scotts email: ssims@salisburyonline.org
Soon, these little boys will be starting a new life with their family! They will be loved and cherished. They will be sons, brothers, grandsons, cousins, friends! I can't wait to see what the Lord has planned for these little guys!
Saturday, October 15, 2016
While I felt like we would be a bit closer than this, we are still making progress. There was a week long holiday in China that shut everything down for that week and the US side is going a bit slow. I am patiently waiting for our next paperwork to process and get approval. We just have a few steps left before we should be issued TA (travel approval)! I know it is all in Gods timing and He must be giving us some time to get our finances and selves prepared!
We are preparing an online auction and hope to have it ready to go super soon! It will be held on our Face book page at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1000528550027746/ If you are not already in that group, please feel free to request to join! This is where I keep more updated posts, share more photos of the boys and plan to update while Im in China.
We have I800 approval (permission for us to adopt and bring Rowen & Rylen to the USA), we have already wired over the money for the boys Visas and mine and Alicia's came in the mail yesterday! Our next step is Article 5, which tells China that US has approved us to adopt the boys and for them to come to the USA. After that is travel approval, which then gives us the dates we need to travel and permission to book our flights, hotels, etc! Not much left now!
This chart shows you the steps of our adoption!
The boys medical needs can not be fully known until they are home and evaluated. I have scheduled them an appointment with the International Adoption Clinic at St Louis Children's Hospital and we will be able to get some more answers and be pointed to the correct specialists who will help with their care. The diagnosis and symptoms are so different for each person, so there is really not much of a way to have a for sure idea what it will be like. From what we have seen in the few short videos and pictures and what we have learned about schizencephaly, they will need speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, most likely will need leg braces, frequent checks of their brain, and possible a surgery for Rylen early on once home. We have a great team of doctors ready for them and we are so happy that we can provide such wonderful medical care for them!
We have been so fortunate to have a few wonderful people who have held fundraisers for us and have donated proceeds to go towards our remaining adoption expenses. We are so thankful to each of these people! While the total of the adoption expenses are very high, we have worked our way down to around $20,000! I know that sounds like a big number, but our God is bigger! Just think we started around $55,000. Here is what we have left to cover:
Orphanage donation $5800
Child’s medical exam $ 140
Child’s passport $ 400
Airfare for 2 adults & 2 children $8000
Lodging in China $2000
In country transportation $2000
In country travel fees $3500
Some of these fees may vary and we hope to get the best possible price for those we can,
such as airfare and in country travel!
We are preparing an online auction and hope to have it ready to go super soon! It will be held on our Face book page at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1000528550027746/ If you are not already in that group, please feel free to request to join! This is where I keep more updated posts, share more photos of the boys and plan to update while Im in China.
If you would like to pray for us, here are some needs we would like you to pray for:
1. The boys medical situation.
2. The finances to be there when needed.
3. Home prepared for the boys.
4. Our children (and Brock) for when I am gone.
5. For Alicia and I to remain healthy and have safe travels.
6. For all children still waiting and may forever be waiting for a family.
If you would like to financially help us with the remaining fees to get them home, we have several ways you can donate to us!
1. Use our PayPal link: https://www.paypal.me/PaulAdoption
2. Send or drop off a donation to our bank at:
First Federal Savings & Loan
800 West Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
ATTN: Paul Family Adoption Savings Account
3. Tax deductible option, mail or drop off a donation to our church.
**Please note if you do this option, we ask you to email us our our preacher to let them know to keep an eye out for the donation. If they do not know, we might not receive it.
Also be sure to write ADOPTION FUND on the envelope and in the memo line of a check.
Our email: bp042900@consolidated.net
Scotts email: ssims@salisburyonline.org
Church address:
Salisbury Church
2250 Madison Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
Not much longer until we will be blessed with these two amazing boys! I can not believe we will be a family of 8! CRAZY! Our lives and theirs are about to be forever changed, all for the better! Thank you for being a part of our journey, weather you have prayed for us, shared our story, donated, we appreciate each of you! Rowen and Rylen....not much longer boys, Ill be seeing you soon!
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
L.O.A baby!
While I'm sitting in my bed with stacks of paperwork to all sides of me, I got a text from Brock, he had checked our email and we are LOA! What does LOA mean? It means Letter of Approval from China! They have received, translated, expedited and approved all of our paperwork! This is awesome!
This also means it can be just a couple of weeks until I am told I can go get our boys! YIPEE!
So much to do, tons around our house, time to start thinking about packing, more paperwork, Visas to apply for, etc etc etc. I will get there!
We are still in need of funds to complete the adoption. I have full faith that Gods got this! He will provide! Can you please pray for this part. This is a biggie, cause I cant travel to get them until we have everything paid for and travel costs also. We are around $22,000-250000 in need. If you can help us out, every dollar helps! If you cant, can you share our story? Maybe someone you know would like to help us get them home! And of course, please pray for us!
We now have a way to send tax deductible donations, you can send them to our church and they will get them to us. Be sure to write the check to Salisbury Church, but in the memo line write ADOPTION FUND. And on the back of the envelope write PAUL FAMILY ADOPTION
you can send it or drop it off if local:
Salisbury Church
2350 Madison Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
You can still donate through our PayPal account and directly to our bank also.
First Federal Savings & Loan
800 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
**Please write check to Paul Family Adoption**
PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/PaulAdoption
Not much longer now...Ill be going to get our babies! I can not wait!
Sunday, September 11, 2016
EXPEDITE issued!
I got the email last week (Thursday September 8th) that China has issued a medical expedite for the remainder of our adoption! What does that mean?! That means, they feel that the boys medical condition warrants a need for them to get home soon. They will process and approve our last steps quicker than normal so I can travel soon. How soon? As soon as 4-8 weeks, give or take a bit! WOW!
We are super excited knowing the boys will be home soon. We are so grateful that they will be able to get the medical care, check ups, surgery, and therapies they need. Not to mention the unconditional love of a family! They will become loved sons, brothers, cousins, nephews, grandsons, and friends! They will go to church and learn about Jesus! SO EXCITING!
There is so much to do and so little time. I don't know where to start. Bedroom rearranging, clothes to wash and hang, bedding to buy, car seats to buy and install, doctor appointments to schedule, screenings to schedule OK, I dont want to think about anymore! Ill just make a list and check it off as it gets done. Kind of like with giving birth, you can be so ready but dont really know exactly when they will arrive. Same with adoption, I can keep working away and may get a call in 2-3 weeks that says hey, go get your boys...or it may be 6-8 weeks. Either way...they are coming home!
We are still in major financial need. We are over half way there with fees, but now the fees will start coming to us quicker as we will be moving along quicker. The most expensive part is travel, but it is 100% necessary. China requires a 2 week stay, 1 week in their providence and 1 week in Guangzhou, where the US Embassy is. At this point, I estimate we are around $24,000-28,000 short of completing the adoption, including travel. It ALL must be paid before I can go get them.
Can you please pray for us, pray the finances are there as needed, we do not want to slow anything down because of money. Pray for us to be prepared to embrace the boys, to help us understand how to help them with their medical challenges, language barriers and fitting into our family. Pray for the boys, pray they remain healthy, pray the Lord prepares them for this huge transition in their lives. They will soon be taken from all they know and be given to a strange woman who talks differently, looks and smells differently and lives somewhere far far away. While this is a very happy time for us, this can be very traumatizing for the boys.
If you can and would like to help us out financially, you can make a donation to our PayPal account, we get 100% of your donation thru here and 100% of it is going towards our adoption expenses. https://www.paypal.me/PaulAdoption
You can also send or drop off a donation to our bank. If sending a check, please write it out to Paul Family Adoption and put Brock & Beck Paul in the memo line. Our banks address is:
First Federal Savings & Loan
800 West Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
Thank you!
We are super excited knowing the boys will be home soon. We are so grateful that they will be able to get the medical care, check ups, surgery, and therapies they need. Not to mention the unconditional love of a family! They will become loved sons, brothers, cousins, nephews, grandsons, and friends! They will go to church and learn about Jesus! SO EXCITING!
There is so much to do and so little time. I don't know where to start. Bedroom rearranging, clothes to wash and hang, bedding to buy, car seats to buy and install, doctor appointments to schedule, screenings to schedule OK, I dont want to think about anymore! Ill just make a list and check it off as it gets done. Kind of like with giving birth, you can be so ready but dont really know exactly when they will arrive. Same with adoption, I can keep working away and may get a call in 2-3 weeks that says hey, go get your boys...or it may be 6-8 weeks. Either way...they are coming home!
We are still in major financial need. We are over half way there with fees, but now the fees will start coming to us quicker as we will be moving along quicker. The most expensive part is travel, but it is 100% necessary. China requires a 2 week stay, 1 week in their providence and 1 week in Guangzhou, where the US Embassy is. At this point, I estimate we are around $24,000-28,000 short of completing the adoption, including travel. It ALL must be paid before I can go get them.
Can you please pray for us, pray the finances are there as needed, we do not want to slow anything down because of money. Pray for us to be prepared to embrace the boys, to help us understand how to help them with their medical challenges, language barriers and fitting into our family. Pray for the boys, pray they remain healthy, pray the Lord prepares them for this huge transition in their lives. They will soon be taken from all they know and be given to a strange woman who talks differently, looks and smells differently and lives somewhere far far away. While this is a very happy time for us, this can be very traumatizing for the boys.
If you can and would like to help us out financially, you can make a donation to our PayPal account, we get 100% of your donation thru here and 100% of it is going towards our adoption expenses. https://www.paypal.me/PaulAdoption
You can also send or drop off a donation to our bank. If sending a check, please write it out to Paul Family Adoption and put Brock & Beck Paul in the memo line. Our banks address is:
First Federal Savings & Loan
800 West Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
Thank you!
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Triple Special Day
Today is and always will be a triple special day for our family!
One this day in 2009 I was in China, I had Hudson in my arms for the very first time! On that exact same day, our twin boys Rowen and Rylen were born! How amazing that we will forever share such a special day. How amazing that I was in my sons birth country on the day they were born! WOW!
First about Hudson:
I will never, ever forget the day I met Hudson. It was so hot and muggy in Shanghai, we arrived a bit early to the civil affairs building. There was no air conditioning. I was nervous, but felt at peace, this was the day we had waited 17 long months for! My guide got a call that they were running behind, and the eventually showed up about 1.5 hours late. They walked in, telling us he had been sick in the car, he was ill, he didnt feel good. Hudson sat in a chair just out of arms reach from me. A very serious face and so quiet. I handed him a sippy cup of water, they tried to tell me he would get sick, but he quickly took it and took a few drinks. He gave me a little smirk. I met with the orphanage director and the nanny for a bit. As soon as they stepped out of the room, Hudson hopped down from his chair and came to me. I began to get out snacks and toys and he just gave me a bit smile! We took a selfie together!
One this day in 2009 I was in China, I had Hudson in my arms for the very first time! On that exact same day, our twin boys Rowen and Rylen were born! How amazing that we will forever share such a special day. How amazing that I was in my sons birth country on the day they were born! WOW!
First about Hudson:
I will never, ever forget the day I met Hudson. It was so hot and muggy in Shanghai, we arrived a bit early to the civil affairs building. There was no air conditioning. I was nervous, but felt at peace, this was the day we had waited 17 long months for! My guide got a call that they were running behind, and the eventually showed up about 1.5 hours late. They walked in, telling us he had been sick in the car, he was ill, he didnt feel good. Hudson sat in a chair just out of arms reach from me. A very serious face and so quiet. I handed him a sippy cup of water, they tried to tell me he would get sick, but he quickly took it and took a few drinks. He gave me a little smirk. I met with the orphanage director and the nanny for a bit. As soon as they stepped out of the room, Hudson hopped down from his chair and came to me. I began to get out snacks and toys and he just gave me a bit smile! We took a selfie together!
Drinking his water |
Our first selfie |
By the time it was time for us to leave the office and head to the hotel, Hudson was happy and eager to take my hand and go! It went so much smoother than I could ever imagined. I had prayed so many times for God to please keep me calm and ready to handle any situation. And for Hudson to be ready for us, ready to come to me and go home! God sure had His hand on us!
The two weeks in China with Hudson was everything from amazing to crazy! I would do it all over again and again if I had to. I wouldn't of changed a thing. This boy was so loved before he ever got to be in my arms. We loved him so very much and this day is so special to me, today is "Mommy & Hudson day"!
Now, today, Hudson is sitting in his second grade classroom. He is handsome, smart, funny and so loving. He is a typical 7 year old boy. He loves his family, school, and to pester his sisters and brother. He would live on his Ipod or TV if we let him and would eat snacks all day long. He loves Pokemon, I believe mainly because his big brother watched it with him and told him how much he liked it as a kid. Hudson is loved and cherished. We are so very blessed to have him as our son!
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Mommy & Hudson Day 2016 |
Rowen & Rylen
These handsome little boys turn 3 years old today. I still can't get over the fact that I was in China, meeting their big brother, the day they were born just a few hours away! Amazing!
These boys are so cute and we just can't wait to get our hands on them! I day dream every single day of what our first day together is going to be like. This time I am not traveling alone, Brock's sister Alicia is sweet enough to come with! She will be awesome help and I am so happy she will be there with me!
We found out recently that they boys are now living with a family within the orphanage, like a foster family. They sleep, spend holidays and weekends with this family. We are so very thankful for them. We have photos and a video that shows the foster mom and she seems very sweet and loving towards the boys. We feel like this is a wonderful opportunity for the boys to get a glimpse of what family like can be like. Of course, they spend the day and meal times at the orphanage. I know this may make it harder for them to transition to me when the day comes, but it is giving them a chance to have a special bond with a mama figure, allowing them to be in a small setting, together. We have asked if they could please remain with this family until we arrive and I have been told yes! Praise God!
Im a bit sad that they are not home celebrating their birthday. But, I am reminding myself that today is the last birthday they will have pass by them and not be recognized. All the rest of their birthdays will be filled with love, cake and gifts! They will be shown how special of a day this is, they will be celebrated and loved. They will be at their home with their family for all the rest of their birthdays. Sure, we missed out on the first three, just means we will have to celebrate extra big next time!
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I had a little fun with their pictures! |
Now, we are still very short on funds. I have applied for adoption grants and hope and pray we will hear back and be granted something, but so far that isn't happening. We still have our 100's chart to get filled up!
Each number in the chart represents an amount to donate...$1-100. You can choose as many boxes you want to sponsor as you want (ex. 7,8,16,19 to represent our children's ages...or any order for any reason at all). You comment which number(s) you want to sponsor then send the money via paypal (or if local you can hand deliver). I will cross out the boxes as they are sponsored. Once ALL boxes have a sponsor we will choose a sponsor to win a $100 giftcard to either WalMart, ITunes, or Amazon! Winners Choice! You get entered for the amount you donate...donate $20, you have 20 entries, donate $55 you get 55 entries! All of the money raised go towards our adoption fees!
Paypal Link:
If you can help out in this way or any other way, we would so greatly appreciate it! We are ready to get these boys home!
Monday, August 22, 2016
One step closer!
DTC----Dossier to China!
We have finally made it, we got official word on Friday (8/19/2016) that we are now DTC. What does this mean? It means that all the important documents that we have done here in the USA, that were approved, got notary stamped, certified, authenticated, etc etc etc are all now all sent to China to have them translated into Chinese, reviewed and approved! This is a huge step in our adoption process.
We also received a few new photos and a video of each of the boys! We got to hear their voices and Rylen saying mama! They are so precious! We can not wait to get them home!
So, once you are DTC, travel can be 3-5 months, if there is no expedite. Since they boys have potential for things to turn bad fast, we have filed for a medical expedite for our case. This does not mean they will honor it. It will be up to the person reading the papers in China to decide if their case is urgent enough to issue the expedite. If we get an expedite, I would think travel could be 2-3 months, tops. We know this is all in the Lords timing and only He knows the perfect time. If we are not approved for expedite, I will rest assured that other children that are much sicker are getting into their families arms quickly as needed. Im not sure when we will know if they honor the expedite, I am guessing within the next couple of weeks.
We are also still VERY short funds. I know I keep throwing out huge numbers on what we still need, this time I want to break it down as to what we need and what for, so some of you may have a better understanding. Here is what is remaining....
Agency Fees
* Program Coordination $3250
* Post Placement Supervision $1000
* Post Placement Reports $1000
Country Fees
* Chinese Government $2000
* Care of Children $5800
* Host Fee $1500
Third Party Fees
* Travel visas $ 280
* Child's medical exam $ 140
* Child's passport $ 400
* Child's visas $ 650
* Airfare $8000
* Lodging $2000
* In country transportation $2000
* Misc fees, food, etc $4000
Grand total needed as of 8/23/2016 $30,020
Like I have said many times before, I know it is a huge number, but our God is bigger. He will see this thru. We are doing what we are called to do, we are caring for orphans. We are bringing them home, caring for their all of their needs, getting them much needed medical care, showing them they are loved, wanted and cherished. We are going to teach them about God, they will go to church ...things they would never get to do in China. We are going to change their world!
Would you like to help us get some of these fees covered? There are many ways to do so...
Paypal...there is a link on the top right of this page, or you can click the link below here. When you donate thru PayPal, we get 100% of the money!
Mail or drop off to the bank...of course donating to our bank, we get 100% of your donation!
First Federal Savings & Loan
Paul Family Adoption
800 West Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
Go Fund Me...we do not get 100% of the money this way, there is a small fee taken out, but we get most!
You can also follow us on Facebook, we keep that page updated a little more than our blog. You can find it by searching....Paul Family Adoption or go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1000528550027746/
Please continue to pray for the boys and their health. Please continue to pray for us as we wait and anticipate their arrival. Pray for those who are working on our papers in China. And please pray for the finances to be there when needed.
Rylen LeRiger Paul Rowen Terry Paul
We have finally made it, we got official word on Friday (8/19/2016) that we are now DTC. What does this mean? It means that all the important documents that we have done here in the USA, that were approved, got notary stamped, certified, authenticated, etc etc etc are all now all sent to China to have them translated into Chinese, reviewed and approved! This is a huge step in our adoption process.
We also received a few new photos and a video of each of the boys! We got to hear their voices and Rylen saying mama! They are so precious! We can not wait to get them home!
So, once you are DTC, travel can be 3-5 months, if there is no expedite. Since they boys have potential for things to turn bad fast, we have filed for a medical expedite for our case. This does not mean they will honor it. It will be up to the person reading the papers in China to decide if their case is urgent enough to issue the expedite. If we get an expedite, I would think travel could be 2-3 months, tops. We know this is all in the Lords timing and only He knows the perfect time. If we are not approved for expedite, I will rest assured that other children that are much sicker are getting into their families arms quickly as needed. Im not sure when we will know if they honor the expedite, I am guessing within the next couple of weeks.
We are also still VERY short funds. I know I keep throwing out huge numbers on what we still need, this time I want to break it down as to what we need and what for, so some of you may have a better understanding. Here is what is remaining....
Agency Fees
* Program Coordination $3250
* Post Placement Supervision $1000
* Post Placement Reports $1000
Country Fees
* Chinese Government $2000
* Care of Children $5800
* Host Fee $1500
Third Party Fees
* Travel visas $ 280
* Child's medical exam $ 140
* Child's passport $ 400
* Child's visas $ 650
* Airfare $8000
* Lodging $2000
* In country transportation $2000
* Misc fees, food, etc $4000
Grand total needed as of 8/23/2016 $30,020
Like I have said many times before, I know it is a huge number, but our God is bigger. He will see this thru. We are doing what we are called to do, we are caring for orphans. We are bringing them home, caring for their all of their needs, getting them much needed medical care, showing them they are loved, wanted and cherished. We are going to teach them about God, they will go to church ...things they would never get to do in China. We are going to change their world!
Would you like to help us get some of these fees covered? There are many ways to do so...
Paypal...there is a link on the top right of this page, or you can click the link below here. When you donate thru PayPal, we get 100% of the money!
Mail or drop off to the bank...of course donating to our bank, we get 100% of your donation!
First Federal Savings & Loan
Paul Family Adoption
800 West Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
Go Fund Me...we do not get 100% of the money this way, there is a small fee taken out, but we get most!
You can also follow us on Facebook, we keep that page updated a little more than our blog. You can find it by searching....Paul Family Adoption or go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1000528550027746/
Please continue to pray for the boys and their health. Please continue to pray for us as we wait and anticipate their arrival. Pray for those who are working on our papers in China. And please pray for the finances to be there when needed.
Rylen LeRiger Paul Rowen Terry Paul
Monday, July 18, 2016
New fundraiser & update
We have been working hard to get the boys home! We applied to the US to allow us to adopt children from another country and that was approved, along with our FBI fingerprints proving we have not committed any crimes here or elsewhere. We are now finishing up our dossier (large collection of documents that represents who we are) and this week we will be taking them to get their final seals of approval from the US before sending them off to be translated and sent to China. Typically from the time our dossier is logged into China it takes 3-4 months until you can travel and that is without a medical expedite being honored. We are hoping they honor our request and the doctors request for an expedite, so the boys can get home quicker and into doctors for the proper care they need.
We are so thankful that so far this whole time we have continued to have what has been needed financially. We are blessed with generous friends and family who have donated, we have cut back on many extras we felt our family no longer needed, Brock is working extra and tutoring, and we have held a few fundraising events. But, our savings account is slowly fading, we don't have enough to cover any more fees or expenses at this time. We estimate that we still need $25,000-30,000 to complete the adoption. We need the money there when it needs to be sent out. While we really do hate asking for financial help, we truly need it. Every bit of what gets donated is going to our adoption. We have a separate savings account just for the adoption money. We contribute everything we can, but alone, it is not enough. Yes we have the finances to raise two more children, but we do not have the amount needed to complete an adoption, readily available. So, we have a new fundraiser and hope you will be able to donate and/ or share.
This chart represents dollar amounts to be donated...anything from 1-100. You can choose any number(s) and then pay via PayPal. (email me, PM me on Facebook or leave a note in your PayPal donation as to what number(s) you have chosen.) Our PayPal link is on the top right side of this page.
As the numbers get "sponsored" I will update the picture with the numbers crossed out.
Once the chart is completely crossed out, we will randomly choose a winner of a $100 gift card! Winner can choose from Wal Mart, iTunes, or Amazon.
The number you choose is the amount of times your name will be entered into the drawing. Ex. donate $50-get 50 entries.
If you are in our Facebook group, you will find this same chart, please share this fundraiser on your FB page. Every bit helps! You can also share the web address to our blog so others can read about our journey!
Please continue to pray over our adoption. Pray that the finances will be there when they are needed. Pray the boys remain doing well and have no major medical issues arise before we are home. Pray for our guidance and ability to listen and obey. The Lord brought us these children and we know He will get them home. We need to continue listening to Him and following His plan.
We are so thankful that so far this whole time we have continued to have what has been needed financially. We are blessed with generous friends and family who have donated, we have cut back on many extras we felt our family no longer needed, Brock is working extra and tutoring, and we have held a few fundraising events. But, our savings account is slowly fading, we don't have enough to cover any more fees or expenses at this time. We estimate that we still need $25,000-30,000 to complete the adoption. We need the money there when it needs to be sent out. While we really do hate asking for financial help, we truly need it. Every bit of what gets donated is going to our adoption. We have a separate savings account just for the adoption money. We contribute everything we can, but alone, it is not enough. Yes we have the finances to raise two more children, but we do not have the amount needed to complete an adoption, readily available. So, we have a new fundraiser and hope you will be able to donate and/ or share.
As the numbers get "sponsored" I will update the picture with the numbers crossed out.
Once the chart is completely crossed out, we will randomly choose a winner of a $100 gift card! Winner can choose from Wal Mart, iTunes, or Amazon.
The number you choose is the amount of times your name will be entered into the drawing. Ex. donate $50-get 50 entries.
If you are in our Facebook group, you will find this same chart, please share this fundraiser on your FB page. Every bit helps! You can also share the web address to our blog so others can read about our journey!
Please continue to pray over our adoption. Pray that the finances will be there when they are needed. Pray the boys remain doing well and have no major medical issues arise before we are home. Pray for our guidance and ability to listen and obey. The Lord brought us these children and we know He will get them home. We need to continue listening to Him and following His plan.
Saturday, June 4, 2016
More updates
Thank you to everyone who came to our skate fundraiser! We had a very successful fundraiser and were able to raise the remaining amount needed to pay the next fee, for our home study report to be completed! I love how the Lord always provides, it may not be all at once, but bit by bit, it has been there as we have needed it!
Today I was able to pick up our officially completed and certified home study report! This is the first HUGE step in the adoption process. Of course there are many more steps, but that was a big one. We are so excited to be able to move on to the next step. The next HUGE piece to the adoption process is called the dossier. The dossier is basically ALL of the paperwork that has to be completed, notarized, certified and later translated and sent to China. Of course we still have some steps in between before we are ready to get that going...fingerprints, many more documents, and I think we still have one more required training ahead of us. We will get there bit by bit! We also received the medical expedite letter from the neurologist. We are hoping that this will help encourage the workers who have to review our information and process stuff for us, to do so quickly.
It is exciting that Hudson is getting to see all the work that goes into adoption. He has said to me many times, "what took you so long to get me mom"? And, it breaks my heart. I've explained to him many times that if I could of just jumped on a plane to bring him home I would have, but there is a process and LOTS of paperwork and MANY people are involved in the adoption of each child. I think he can somewhat see that now. Hudson is excited to have two little brothers, from China like him, who have weaknesses and will likely require some leg brace(s) like he does. He told me the other day, "we are special" and I said, "yes, each of my children are special!" He laughed and said "no mom, just your China boys!" Oh yes, my China boys sure are special (and so are my bio children). I love all of my children, I am so blessed to be a mama to these children. If you would of told me 5-10 years ago I would have 4 boys and 2 girls I would of laughed! Now, I couldn't imagine my life any other way!
So as we are moving on to the next steps, will you please continue to pray for us? Pray that the steps continue to go smoothly and quickly. Pray that the medical expedite will be honored. Pray that the money needed for each fee is there when it is needed. Pray for the boys as they wait for us. Pray for our family, as adoption can be stressful and we don't want our children to feel the stresses from us. And please pray for each of us as we prepare to change our rolls a bit....the boys will be sons and brothers, Hudson will be a big brother, the older 3 will now have 2 more little brothers, Brock and I will need lots of new found energy to keep up with two little boys!
Thank you so much for all your love and support. Without your prayers, kind words, and financial donations, this adoption would not be possible. If you would like to make a donation to help offset some of the upcoming fees, you can use the Paypal like on the top right of this screen or mail a check to our bank at:
Charleston Federal Savings & Loan
Attn: Paul Family Adoption Savings Account
800 West Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
Thursday, May 5, 2016
We have had a few families from the boys' orphanage be able to see the boys, they have all told us that they seem happy and to be doing well! We also got some new photos, videos and measurements from the orphanage. We are so happy with the progress that we can notice in the new videos compared to the ones we were first given in January. The littlest of the two (Rylen) is now wearing a brace to help with his weakness and his foot turning out when he walks. We are happy to see they are working with him! They both seem like happy 2 year old boys!
We are having a skating party on May 15th to help raise some of the needed funds to complete the adoption. We hope lots of family and friends are able to come, have a good time and learn more about our boys! It should be a good time for all! It is so hard for us to ask others for donations, so we are trying to plan a few FUNdraisers! This way everyone who joins us should have a good time while we are able to accept donations to help offset some of the fees!
Next week I will have my first phone conversation with the adoption agency, besides with the first lady who was in charge with getting us "locked in" with our boys. I'm excited as I realize it means we are getting ready to start the next step in the process! Our home study report should be ready very soon and then we will be ready to move on to the next steps.
Our agency is filing for a medical expedite to be able to get the boys home quicker so they can receive the medical care they need . We won't know for a little while if that is granted. What it will do is help take some of the wait time out of some of the steps. Please pray over this. With the boys diagnosis they could develop seizures or hydrocephalus and this could cause brain damage if it is not treated. With there being so many children in a room and only a few care givers, we fear that if the boys were to have any complications, they may go unnoticed for some time. All we want is to get them home and the medical care they need, as quickly as possible. With the medical expedite, I could travel as early as 4 months from now.
We appreciate every donation we have received, 100% of every donation goes towards the many fees associated with the adoption. We have cut cable, the newspaper, eating out as often and a few vacations we would of normally taken to continue to be able to put back money for the fees as well. We hope that with some continued cut backs, side jobs, a few fundraisers and possibly grants, that we will get the adoption completely funded in time to travel with no delay.
Can you please continue to pray for our family as we continue to work hard to get all the paper work completed correctly, get the fees paid on time, and for us and the children to be prepared to welcome two little boys into our family. Pray for the boys, for the health and safety, that the Lord begins to prepare their hearts for a family. We appreciate everyone's love and support, we have some amazing friends, family and even strangers!
We are having a skating party on May 15th to help raise some of the needed funds to complete the adoption. We hope lots of family and friends are able to come, have a good time and learn more about our boys! It should be a good time for all! It is so hard for us to ask others for donations, so we are trying to plan a few FUNdraisers! This way everyone who joins us should have a good time while we are able to accept donations to help offset some of the fees!
Next week I will have my first phone conversation with the adoption agency, besides with the first lady who was in charge with getting us "locked in" with our boys. I'm excited as I realize it means we are getting ready to start the next step in the process! Our home study report should be ready very soon and then we will be ready to move on to the next steps.
Our agency is filing for a medical expedite to be able to get the boys home quicker so they can receive the medical care they need . We won't know for a little while if that is granted. What it will do is help take some of the wait time out of some of the steps. Please pray over this. With the boys diagnosis they could develop seizures or hydrocephalus and this could cause brain damage if it is not treated. With there being so many children in a room and only a few care givers, we fear that if the boys were to have any complications, they may go unnoticed for some time. All we want is to get them home and the medical care they need, as quickly as possible. With the medical expedite, I could travel as early as 4 months from now.
We appreciate every donation we have received, 100% of every donation goes towards the many fees associated with the adoption. We have cut cable, the newspaper, eating out as often and a few vacations we would of normally taken to continue to be able to put back money for the fees as well. We hope that with some continued cut backs, side jobs, a few fundraisers and possibly grants, that we will get the adoption completely funded in time to travel with no delay.
Can you please continue to pray for our family as we continue to work hard to get all the paper work completed correctly, get the fees paid on time, and for us and the children to be prepared to welcome two little boys into our family. Pray for the boys, for the health and safety, that the Lord begins to prepare their hearts for a family. We appreciate everyone's love and support, we have some amazing friends, family and even strangers!
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Here we grow again!
It has been forever since I have updated our blog, I had intentions of updating at least every few months. But, life gets busy, and I forgot. Hopefully I will be better about it this time!
So, our news! We are in process of adopting twin boys from China! They are beautiful, and we are so excited that our family is growing again. I will copy the story from our Facebook page below for those that have not been able to follow us on there yet.
Hello! Thank you for visiting our adoption page. We are Beck and Brock Paul. We have 3 bio children (Ashton 18, Hanna 16, & Averie 8) and our youngest son was adopted from China in 2013 (Hudson 6). We have all been very blessed with Hudson. He is a smart, funny and a loving little boy! He has came such a long way since coming home in September 2013. I (Beck) always wanted to adopt, and when I first laid eyes on Hudsons picture, I fell in love and knew he was ours. I thought our family was complete, we had 2 boys and 2 girls, it was comfortable. Well, God has other plans for us and our family....
On January 9th, 2016, a fellow adoptive family had shared a photo of these beautiful twin boys, urgently needing their forever family to run to them. I felt like I did my part and shared their photo and story on Facebook. I tried not to think about them, but I couldn't get them off of my mind. I felt such a connection with these faces and they were pulling at my heart. Monday came around, Brock was at work and I was in the kitchen, doing dishes. He begins to text me and said "call the agency about the boys, see what we need to do, but NO COMMITMENT." Of course I was excited as I knew the Lord was pulling at his heart too! I quickly made contact and we had until that Friday (4 days) to decide if we would commit to these boys, apply to the agency and for pre-approval from China to adopt them and to pay the application fee and pre-approval fee, We didn't have the amount of money needed for these initial fees, so we decided to set up a Go Fund Me account. Well, the Lord provided in 24 hours!
The boys are 2.5 years old. They are in an orphanage in a beautiful providence in China. They were both born with a rare brain malformation called Schizencephaly. Basically they have a cleft in one side of their brain. They both have weakened muscles and speech delays. Schizencephaly can cause seizures and water to build up in their brain as well, so it is important to get them home as soon as we can so they can see the medical professionals and have testing to prevent further damage.
We plan to use this page to share our adoption journey. It is such a beautiful yet rough process. I called it a roller coaster ride when we were going through this with Hudson....it has a lot of ups and downs. I want to keep this page real, not just share in all the good. We plan to use this page to ask for prayer and to pray for others, to share updates on the boys and the adoption process. To share our fundraising ideas, and eventually to share about our travel to China and bringing the boys home!
Our prayer needs right now are to please keep the boys safe and healthy while they are waiting for us. Also, for the Lord to prepare them to come home and be a part of their family. This will be a huge change for these boys. They didn't have a say in being abandoned and to be raised in an orphanage and now they don't get a say in us adopting them and bringing them home. There is a lot of loss in adoption, for the children. We love them dearly and hope they will feel loved and cared for quickly. Please pray for our family here at home. Mainly pray for our youngest two children, I am sure there will be some jealousy but I pray they can work it out with us and I also pray Hudson does not have any set backs. He is doing so good and I don't want him to feel left out or replaced with his two little brothers. At this time he is very excited to have 2 little brothers, but they aren't here yet! And please pray for the finances needed to complete the adoption process.
Adoption is very costly, there are so many people who are involved and no one works for free. From the social worker who completes the home study, the agency who completes the adoption process to the Chinese government and orphanage and many,many more steps there....everyone gets paid. It is expected that it will cost around $55,000, including the required travel, to get the boys home. We know the Lord will provide, we just need to listed and follow Him. We do not want the finances to get in the way of bringing them home as quickly as possible. We are hoping to travel in October or November to bring them home!
If you would like to follow our Facebook page, you will find it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1000528550027746/
If you feel led to donate towards bringing our boys home, there are a few ways to do so:
1. Our PayPal link is the same as on this page to the right. If you use Paypal to donate towards our adoption, we will get 100% of the amount donated.
2. We also have a Go Fund Me account set up. It is very quick and easy to donate through there. Using Go Fund Me to donate does take out a few fees, we get most of the amount donated. https://www.gofundme.com/paulfamilyadoption
3. You can also send or drop off a donation to our bank at:
First Federal Savings & Loan
Attn: Paul Family Adoption Savings Acct
800 West Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
And...here are our boys!
So, our news! We are in process of adopting twin boys from China! They are beautiful, and we are so excited that our family is growing again. I will copy the story from our Facebook page below for those that have not been able to follow us on there yet.
Hello! Thank you for visiting our adoption page. We are Beck and Brock Paul. We have 3 bio children (Ashton 18, Hanna 16, & Averie 8) and our youngest son was adopted from China in 2013 (Hudson 6). We have all been very blessed with Hudson. He is a smart, funny and a loving little boy! He has came such a long way since coming home in September 2013. I (Beck) always wanted to adopt, and when I first laid eyes on Hudsons picture, I fell in love and knew he was ours. I thought our family was complete, we had 2 boys and 2 girls, it was comfortable. Well, God has other plans for us and our family....
On January 9th, 2016, a fellow adoptive family had shared a photo of these beautiful twin boys, urgently needing their forever family to run to them. I felt like I did my part and shared their photo and story on Facebook. I tried not to think about them, but I couldn't get them off of my mind. I felt such a connection with these faces and they were pulling at my heart. Monday came around, Brock was at work and I was in the kitchen, doing dishes. He begins to text me and said "call the agency about the boys, see what we need to do, but NO COMMITMENT." Of course I was excited as I knew the Lord was pulling at his heart too! I quickly made contact and we had until that Friday (4 days) to decide if we would commit to these boys, apply to the agency and for pre-approval from China to adopt them and to pay the application fee and pre-approval fee, We didn't have the amount of money needed for these initial fees, so we decided to set up a Go Fund Me account. Well, the Lord provided in 24 hours!
The boys are 2.5 years old. They are in an orphanage in a beautiful providence in China. They were both born with a rare brain malformation called Schizencephaly. Basically they have a cleft in one side of their brain. They both have weakened muscles and speech delays. Schizencephaly can cause seizures and water to build up in their brain as well, so it is important to get them home as soon as we can so they can see the medical professionals and have testing to prevent further damage.
We plan to use this page to share our adoption journey. It is such a beautiful yet rough process. I called it a roller coaster ride when we were going through this with Hudson....it has a lot of ups and downs. I want to keep this page real, not just share in all the good. We plan to use this page to ask for prayer and to pray for others, to share updates on the boys and the adoption process. To share our fundraising ideas, and eventually to share about our travel to China and bringing the boys home!
Our prayer needs right now are to please keep the boys safe and healthy while they are waiting for us. Also, for the Lord to prepare them to come home and be a part of their family. This will be a huge change for these boys. They didn't have a say in being abandoned and to be raised in an orphanage and now they don't get a say in us adopting them and bringing them home. There is a lot of loss in adoption, for the children. We love them dearly and hope they will feel loved and cared for quickly. Please pray for our family here at home. Mainly pray for our youngest two children, I am sure there will be some jealousy but I pray they can work it out with us and I also pray Hudson does not have any set backs. He is doing so good and I don't want him to feel left out or replaced with his two little brothers. At this time he is very excited to have 2 little brothers, but they aren't here yet! And please pray for the finances needed to complete the adoption process.
Adoption is very costly, there are so many people who are involved and no one works for free. From the social worker who completes the home study, the agency who completes the adoption process to the Chinese government and orphanage and many,many more steps there....everyone gets paid. It is expected that it will cost around $55,000, including the required travel, to get the boys home. We know the Lord will provide, we just need to listed and follow Him. We do not want the finances to get in the way of bringing them home as quickly as possible. We are hoping to travel in October or November to bring them home!
If you would like to follow our Facebook page, you will find it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1000528550027746/
If you feel led to donate towards bringing our boys home, there are a few ways to do so:
1. Our PayPal link is the same as on this page to the right. If you use Paypal to donate towards our adoption, we will get 100% of the amount donated.
2. We also have a Go Fund Me account set up. It is very quick and easy to donate through there. Using Go Fund Me to donate does take out a few fees, we get most of the amount donated. https://www.gofundme.com/paulfamilyadoption
3. You can also send or drop off a donation to our bank at:
First Federal Savings & Loan
Attn: Paul Family Adoption Savings Acct
800 West Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
And...here are our boys!
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